GSK logo

The sale will allow GSK to sharpen its focus on vaccines, cancer and infectious diseases, which are part of CEO Emma Walmsley’s plans to boost earnings at the drugmaker.

The drug, marketed under the name Imdelltra, is part of Amgen’s pipeline of bispecific antibodies designed to attach to a cancer cell and an immune cell, bringing them together so that the body’s immune system can kill the cancer.

Mary Stutts, HBA

“If women aren’t in decision-making roles, then the best decisions won’t always be made,” declared Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association’s (HBA) CEO Mary Stutts. “If our workplaces are not inclusive and representative of our patient populations, health equity will never become a reality.” Stutts opened the HBA’s annual Woman of the Year program with a call to action for the professionals in the room as well as the broader industry. “We all share the moral and ethical responsibility, as well as the financial obligation, to do better. We’re in a new era.”

BMS, Bristol Myers Squibb

Following back-to-back approvals in lymphocytic leukemia, Bristol Myers Squibb’s CAR-T therapy Breyanzi on Wednesday won the FDA’s green light for relapsed or refractory follicular lymphoma.

Roche, Basel

Roche’s $2.7 billion acquisition of Carmot Therapeutics in December 2023 appears to be paying off as its investigational GLP-1/GIP receptor agonist induced strong weight loss in a Phase Ib study.

Eli Lilly

Eli Lilly said its once-weekly insulin injection, efsitora, showed blood sugar reduction that was consistent with commonly used daily insulins across two studies in patients with type 2 diabetes.