HVH introduces new predictive analytics platform for health and wellness communities

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HVH Precision Analytics revealed a proprietary artificial intelligence and machine learning platform used to predict patterns and provide insights to help make informed critical business decisions. SCIPHERaccess, with the name derived from SCIentific deciPHERing, is a customizable, self-service platform that integrates disparate global data resources to deliver actionable insights in real-time.

(PRNewsfoto/Havas Health & You)

Designed as a SaaS-based web portal, SCIPHERaccess applies predictive analytics against diverse deidentified healthcare data sets, including claims and electronic healthcare records (EHR). Actionable business-focused use cases are implemented through simple clicks to dive into patient characteristics and patient journeys, as well as market sizing and trends. The analyses culminate with the company’s cornerstone machine learning algorithms to identify physicians who are treating undiagnosed patients, today. SCIPHERaccess has completed trials with many leading life sciences companies during 2019, resulting in a robust, intuitive and fast platform to meet customers’ data analytic needs.

“We have a mission based far beyond analytics, focused on improving patient care, as well as the belief that companies can propel themselves to new heights with access to best-in-class data and predictive analytics,” says Steve Costalas, CEO of HVH Precision Analytics. “The SCIPHERaccess platform is optimized for the healthcare space, offering dozens of specific analytics, including visualization of patient populations and associated costs of care. The SCIPHERaccess platform also contains predictive analytics tools that identify physicians who treat patients based on a specific set of patient features. Our goal is to democratize access to the highest fidelity analytics for our clients and partners.”