Faruk Capan, EVERSANA


7045 College Blvd., Overland Park, KS 66211

913-317-9700 • [email protected]eversanaintouch.com

Lyme Bomb Detector, EVERSANA INTOUCH

Best Experiential Campaign
Best Philanthropic Campaign
EVERSANA INTOUCH teamed up with the Global Lyme Alliance and created the Lyme Bomb Detector — the first smartphone app that enables earlier detection of Lyme rashes on Black and Brown skin. The tool, fueled by artificial intelligence, allows users to photograph rashes and compare with a library of Lyme and non-Lyme rashes in a range of skin tones.

Quick Facts


  • Account wins: 6
  • Active business clients: 60+

Brands by 2022 sales

  • Brand-product accounts held 250+

Services mix

  • HCP: 47%
  • Consumer/patien:t 42%
  • Corporate: 8%
  • Market access stakeholder: 5%
  • Enterprise: 3%
  • AOR/DAOR: 78%
  • Project-based: 10%
  • Media AOR: 9%
  • Enterprise/technology: 3%

Client roster

  • Astellas
  • Corcept Therapeutics
  • Corium
  • Horizon Therapeutics
  • MacroGenics
  • Mayne Pharma 
  • Seres Therapeutics
  • Urovant Sciences


  • Best Experiential Campaign
  • Best Philanthropic Campaign

“Since 1999, Intouch has been making waves in lifesciences marketing, from its origin as a digital agency when those were a rarity, to its development as a global group of affiliates,” according to agency leaders. “In late 2021, though, the company saw its biggest change yet, when Intouch Group was acquired by EVERSANA.”

In early 2022, the new EVERSANA INTOUCH brand was introduced, which comprises eight affiliates: five full-service agencies, as well as international, consulting, and media affiliates. “Behind the scenes, the organizations merged their shared services and systems: logistics common to any merger situation, and particularly important at such a scale,” executives say. “Combined, EVERSANA and the agency team at EVERSANA INTOUCH is the global commercial-services leader with more than 25 locations and more than 7,000 employees worldwide.”  

“EVERSANA and EVERSANA INTOUCH now represent what’s possible when you have the very best in marketing working ‘just down the hall’ from strategic consultants, field teams, market researchers, patient hub service coordinators, health economists, and thousands more,” managers attest. “At our fingertips is all the expertise, analytics, and tech infrastructure we need to protect and propel a brand – not just for today, but to prepare for what’s next.

“The payoff has been immediately obvious, as the agency team at EVERSANA INTOUCH won pitches, snagged awards, and developed new and expanded solutions to offer clients, bringing to bear the might of the larger EVERSANA platform.”

Recent accomplishments

According to the leadership team, EVERSANA INTOUCH saw 26 percent growth in 2022, reaching more than $390 million in revenue, strengthening its footprint with top pharma clients, and advaning its capabilities in medical communications, media, and omnichannel. “With the majority of business coming from AOR accounts, it’s clear to see how far EVERSANA INTOUCH has grown from its 1990s roots,” managers say.

In 2022, managers claim that EVERSANA INTOUCH won more than 100 bids for business: more than 60 from large pharma accounts and more than 30 from small to mid-sized companies. “These included preapproval and well-
established brands, entire franchises, medical affairs, market access, and more,” they say. “Notable new business wins included major assignments in oncology, immunology, cardiology, and rare disease. 

“First winning, and then, more importantly, delighting, client business relies on one thing above all: the best talent in the industry. And so, EVERSANA INTOUCH focuses accordingly.”  

“Talent management today comes down to three concepts,” says Angela Tenuta, president, Full-Service Agencies, EVERSANA INTOUCH “First, engagement; second, training; and third, processing change.”

Executives say in 2022, the team at EVERSANA INTOUCH grew to 1,875 team members – 400 of those taking advantage of a remote working style in that they do not live near a physical office location. “As a result, the agency has emphasized culture events both in-office and virtually to ensure that employees felt connected, informed, appreciated, and developed” and worked to help managers find new ways to support and lead their teams — “ways that did not rely on proximity and happenstance.”

“They found new ways to celebrate and build relationships, which can be vital to motivation and creativity, the lifeblood of any agency,” executives say. “But it isn’t all about new and different: EVERSANA INTOUCH continued to demonstrate considerable investment in people development.”

The leadership team says the agency continued its long-
running internship program, which supports nonprofit work. There was also the bi-annual Account Incubator program, which teaches entry-level marketing professionals the fundamentals of account management, and the copy and editorial schools, which focused on training programs for professionals and students interested in the industry.

“The annual EVERSANA INTOUCH Leadership Academy took nearly 50 agency leaders through an intensive development program, which culminated in final assignments and a finale hosted by executives,” managers state. “Additional learning opportunities for agency staff include everything from management foundations to strengths for new hires – something for every phase of career development, to ensure long, strong tenures of well-rounded employees.” 

Additionally, employee resource groups were reintroduced and widened across EVERSANA, to provide global employees access to connection and support; they include groups for employees who identify as female, Black, Latinx, Asian/Pacific Islander/Desi, LGBTQIA+, disabled, or early-career.

“Both EVERSANA and the agency team at EVERSANA INTOUCH believe that such extensive investment in its people will pay off,” executives say. “The proof is their growing shelves of awards, as the industry recognized EVERSANA and EVERSANA INTOUCH more than 100 times in 2022 with wins and nominations.”

Leaders proudly point out how the agency’s work with the Chrysalis Initiative on the “Erase the Line” campaign was particularly recognized by some of the most prestigious programs in the worlds of advertising and pharmaceuticals, winning the MM+M Best in Show Titanium Award; three awards from the One Show; three Clio awards; a short-list nomination at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity; a Future Impact award from the Design & Art Direction nonprofit; “and many more.” 

“EVERSANA INTOUCH took home the coveted Agency of the Year award from PM360’s Trailblazer Awards, marking the sixth time the agency has received such accolades from industry publications, including Med Ad News and MM+M.  In addition, CEO Faruk Capan was named Advertising Agency CEO of the year by PM360.” 

Executives say dozens of other awards – from Product Launch of the Year to Best Rare Disease Campaign – round out the winnings. “And perhaps it’s fitting to end on an award that may signal what made all this possible: a Great Place to Work designation for EVERSANA.”

“Every year the Great Place to Work survey gives us a chance to verify what we hold most dear – our healthy culture,” says Jim Lang, CEO of EVERSANA. “It’s honestly the most important certification we pursue because it permeates every facet of our business – our commitment to clients, employees, and most importantly, patients.” 

Structure and services

Faruk Capan, EVERSANA

Faruk Capan, CEO, EVERSANA INTOUCH and chief innovation officer, EVERSANA

Led by EVERSANA INTOUCH CEO Faruk Capan, executives say the agency benefits because he simultaneously is also EVERSANA’s chief innovation officer – “a unique combination that maximizes his award-winning leadership to the benefit of both organizations. He serves as the lead for the agency and its products and platforms. He also leads the push to find ever-better paths toward digital transformation across EVERSANA for clients – a role he’s held in every position throughout his career.”

EVERSANA INTOUCH provides creative and media services, enterprise solutions, and data analytics globally through eight affiliates in 10 offices, including EVERSANA INTOUCH Solutions, EVERSANA INTOUCH Proto, EVERSANA INTOUCH Seven, EVERSANA INTOUCH Engage, EVERSANA INTOUCH Oxygen, EVERSANA INTOUCH B2D, EVERSANA INTOUCH Media, and EVERSANA INTOUCH International. 

Physical office locations include Kansas City, Chicago, Boston, New York, San Diego, San Francisco, Berkeley Heights, N.J., Saratoga Springs, N.Y., Mumbai, and London. 

Future plans

So what’s next?” agency leaders ask, answering, “It might be simpler to ask, what isn’t?” 

“EVERSANA INTOUCH’s new capabilities, as part of EVERSANA’s integrated commercialization platform creates a model that’s never existed before, enabling the agency to compete and perform at levels that it – and no other agency – has ever accessed,” executives state.

According to the leadership team, the agency’s goals for 2023 include prioritizing efficiency, and testing new ways of working, “as the companies continue to knit together more completely.” 

Goals also include “dominating the conversation about, and the successful performance of, omnichannel marketing – a term that has gotten creaky with overuse, but which has yet to deliver on its grand promises
– with groundbreaking tools and counsel that will shake up pharma marketing,” executives say. 

Additional goals include more than 30 product launches for clients – “a lofty number, but one for which the agency has never been more prepared, with its ever-stronger insight into everything it takes to make a brand succeed in this challenging market,” leaders say. 

“And, of course, the biggest goal for 2023 is to continue to deliver client delight: not just service or support, but performance so far beyond expectations or assumptions that it has kept clients coming back for years, and decades.”


In 2022, leaders say, EVERSANA INTOUCH rebooted its philanthropy program and introduced The Give Back, an umbrella program that focuses on three key pillars: EVERSANA INTOUCH for Health, which supports human and animal health causes; EVERSANA INTOUCH for Justice, which supports organizations that fight systemic racism; and EVERSANA INTOUCH With the World, which supports clients with limited funds, but mission and vision that align with the agency’s value commitments. “In 2022, highlights of the program included sponsoring and assisting in the development of our third ‘Adopt-a-Lab,’ a Heart to Heart International laboratory testing service for free clinics; a day assembling nearly 1,000 hygiene kits for people displaced by the war in Ukraine; raising more than $6,000 for those affected by Hurricane Ian; and providing donations to more than 95 organizations recommended by employees. 

“Everyday activities provided opportunities to do good, too: at every wintertime in-office gathering, EVERSANA INTOUCH held a drive to collect coats, hats, and socks to donate; and employees brought in their laptops and worked with their IT teams to complete the transition to EVERSANA platforms – nicknamed Camp Cutover – and they created dozens of cards for hospitalized children.” 

The agency leadership team maintains that ethos  – “how can we do good while we’re doing good business?” – informs EVERSANA INTOUCH at every step.