Eveo Inc. 2014


1160 Battery Street, Suite 275
San Francisco, CA 94111
Telephone: 415-844-9495
Facsimile: 415-844-9401
Website: eveo.com

Quick Facts

Account wins 7
Account losses 1
Active business clients 24
Brands by 2013 sales  
Brand-product accounts held 35

Client Roster

Biogen Idec
Bristol-Myers Squibb
Forest Labs
Novo Nordisk
Quest Diagnostics

Executives say Eveo continues to expand the breadth and depth of client relationships. The agency has been awarded three new agency of record assignments, with multi-channel strategic and creative leadership across healthcare professional and consumer programs.

The Year’s Accomplishments

In 2013, Eveo won five awards for its work, for a number of innovative mobile, Web, and video-based campaigns.

Kim Middleton joined Eveo as senior VP, managing director to head Eveo’s New York office. Middleton works closely with business and strategy teams to manage and strengthen client relationships. She focuses on delivering measurable business results to clients, including helping them examine drivers and barriers to create relevant and actionable strategies that ultimately lead to a competitive advantage.

Bob Ellis, former director of client services, was promoted to chief operating officer, and is now responsible for the daily operation of Eveo. Over his 20-year career, Ellis has been central in developing some of the world’s most popular and valued brands – Saturn, United, Holiday Inn, Yahoo!, MTV, Wired, Morgan Stanley, Microsoft, XBox – while leading teams at some of the most inventive and respected advertising agencies of our time – Hal Riney& Partners, Fallon, Black Rocket, and McCann Erickson.

Jim Norwood, former senior controller, was promoted to chief financial officer, and is now responsible for the organization’s finance and accounting operations. Norwood has more than 20 years of experience in agency and technology businesses, including a former position as Western Region controller for McCann Erickson, where he managed the consolidated accounting operations for multiple media agencies.

The most recent addition to the Eveo team is Robert Murhamer, quality assurance director. Murhamer has more than 30 years of experience in software development, focusing on quality assurance for the last 20 years. He has created quality assurance departments from scratch and grown to 60+ resources, including offshored teams, spearheaded test automation teams and performance testing teams. Murhamer joins Eveo from Zynga.

Structure And Services

Founded in 1999, Eveo is independently owned by major venture capitalists and led by Founder/CEO Olivier Zitoun. Eveo is headquartered in San Francisco with offices in New York and London.

Key services include strategy, content, animation, video, interactive, mobile, and iPad solutions.

“Developing a differentiated marketing strategy is a key part of our process,” executives say. “We work closely with our clients to ensure our initiatives reach the right target audiences with maximum efficiency and impact.”

In the area of content, Eveo executives say the agency’s healthcare experts and medical writers have the knowledge and experience to make even the most technical subjects accessible, engaging, and memorable. “You can’t be persuasive if you don’t speak the language,” the agency’s leaders say.

To make sure the agency’s animations are a highly effective storytelling medium, in-house medical writers work with award-winning illustrators and animators to create striking, influential, scientifically accurate imagery to communicate drug or device mechanism of action.

Executives say Eveo offers a range of digital video solutions to bring brands to life: documentaries, testimonials, roundtables, healthcasts, motivational videos, and more.

Eveo’s interactive group strives to engage audience in impactful new ways with exhibit kiosks, games, multimedia decks, case studies, e-detail, digital selling, and more. For the iPhone, iPad, and Android, Eveo offers mobile strategy, mobile apps, mobile sites, mobile games, SMS/MMS campaigns, podcasts, and more.

iPad solutions include the iPad digital selling program vRep, a platform that agency leaders claim has completely reinvented the way sales reps engage with physicians and HCPs. “Developed from the ground up, vRepiPad Digital Selling Platform is high-impact by providing today’s sales reps with outstanding presentation abilities, robust feature sets, and fully customizable selling resources,” executives say. “We also are experienced developers on Veeva, Skura and Adobe DPS platforms.”

Another iPad platform, which can also be used on desktops, is Sympozia, which enables speakers to customize enhanced and multimedia presentations. Sympozia allows brand teams to quickly push new content on all speakers’ devices, to ensure real-time compliance, and comes with a full set of tracking and reporting capabilities.

Eveo also provides gaming and social media solutions. Eveo creates fully customizable interactive experiences that can be entertaining as well as educational. The agency assists clients in enhancing an online presence by connecting with patients or HCPs through blogs, online communities, YouTube, posts or a tweet, defining the appropriate voice for the brand and how to engage.

With its proprietary tracking and reporting technologies, Eveo can show clients how their messaging is being absorbed by their target audience and measure the effectiveness of the campaign.

Future Plans

Looking forward, executives plan to continue to add strategic and creative bench strength, while the agency’s senior leadership team maintains hands-on involvement in all aspects of brand development.