Scientists have found multidrug-resistant “superbug” bacteria lurking on cash machines, escalators and handrails in London’s underground rail system, shopping centers and hospitals and say they pose a potential risk to public health.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published research in the journal Lancet Infectious Diseases outlining the results from two experimental Ebola drugs, Gilead Sciences’ remdesivir and Mapp Biopharmaceutical’s ZMapp.

Few nutritional supplements can protect people from developing or dying from cardiovascular disease, and some may actually be harmful, a research review suggests.

The advent of increasingly more mainstream and affordable genetic testing enables powerful genetic research – but that power is directly associated with the strength and diversity of the database of genetic information available.

Almost 15,000 physicians, scientists, health-care professionals and industry representatives from around the globe presented research, treatment recommendations and advances toward a diabetes cure at the American Diabetes Association (ADA)’s 79th Scientific Sessions in San Francisco.

For people without heart disease, taking a daily aspirin to prevent heart attacks and strokes may increase the risk of severe brain bleeding to the point where it outweighs any potential benefit, a research review suggests.

Our brains are hard-wired to receive information primarily through storytelling. The more imaginative, the better. Imagination is a powerful tool.

OncoSec Medical Incorporated and Duke University School of Medicine announced that they have entered into a collaborative research agreement to evaluate the use of OncoSec’s proprietary Tavoplus (enhanced IL-12 DNA-plasmid) in combination or sequence with a HER2-plasmid vaccine administered with OncoSec’s novel intratumoral delivery system.

Results from NASA’s landmark Twins Study reveals some interesting, surprising and reassuring data.

Taking caffeine before exercise could improve performance during a broad range of exercise tasks, according to a new review of past research.