For the second year, FCB Health Network brought together a stellar group of experts to showcase the latest offerings in virtual and augmented reality, social media, technology, hardware, artificial intelligence, cloud computing services, data visualization, design, and more for its Next: Innovation Week series.

More than 700 pharma leaders attended eyeforpharma Philadelphia 2018 in April to discuss and learn about how the healthcare industry is revolutionizing the patient experience – and, accordingly, companies’ commercial […]

In 2018, digital healthcare is not only a key topic, it’s being talked about and promoted as a lynchpin for effective communication, engagement and outcomes.

Scheduled for September 23, 2016 in Washington, DC, USA   Princeton, NJ—August 15, 2016—The International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) announced that it is holding a Stakeholder Conference […]

The speakers agreed: It’s prime time for the next generation of industry leaders to step up, speak up and be counted in Washington to ensure that policy makers fully understand the value of robust communication to the delivery of efficient and effective healthcare in America. The message came together on May 11 in Washington when a Congressman, inside-the-beltway experts, and key industry CEOs convened with more than 60 up-and-coming stars from the health agency networks, independent agencies, medical publishers, and digital content providers to review medical policy issues at the Coalition for Healthcare Communication’s Rising Leaders Conference.