Twist Bioscience and Astellas have entered into a research collaboration and exclusive option license agreement to identify potential therapeutic antibodies which would help to reduce tumor microenvironment-mediated immunosuppression.

An experimental monoclonal antibody treatment for Covid-19 being developed by Eli Lilly and Co. and AbCellera Biologics Inc. can “potently” neutralize numerous coronavirus variants, including those first identified in the UK, Brazil, South Africa, California and New York, scientists found in test tube experiments. According to another study, some Covid-19 survivors infected early in the pandemic still have detectable antibodies against the virus a year later.

China’s CanSino Biologics will initiate clinical trials of an experimental Covid-19 vaccine that is inhaled, instead of injected.

As the world is eagerly awaiting news of an effective and safe vaccine against Covid-19, several companies are moving ahead testing therapeutic antibodies against the disease.